galmag.analysis package


galmag.analysis.visualization module

galmag.analysis.visualization.plot_r_z_uniform(B, skipr=3, skipz=5, quiver=True, contour=True, quiver_color='0.25', cmap='viridis', vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plots a r-z slice of the field. Assumes B is created using a cylindrical grid - for a more sophisticated/flexible plotting script which does not rely on the grid structure check the plot_slice.

The plot consists of:
  1. a coloured contourplot of B_phi
  2. quivers showing the x-z projection of the field
  • B (B_field) – a B_field or B_field_component object
  • quiver (bool) – If True, shows quivers. Default True
  • contour (bool) – If True, shows contours. Default: True
  • skipx/skipz (int) – Tweaks the display of quivers (Default: skipz=5, skipr=3)

Plots slice of arbitrary orientation


Not implemented yet

galmag.analysis.visualization.plot_x_y_uniform(B, skipx=5, skipy=5, iz=0, field_lines=True, quiver=True, contour=True, quiver_color='0.25', cmap='viridis', **kwargs)[source]

Plots a x-y slice of the field. Assumes B is created using a cartesian grid - for a more sophisticated/flexible plotting script which does not rely on the grid structure check the plot_slice.

The plot consists of:
  1. a coloured contourplot of |B|^2
  2. Field lines of the B_x and B_y field
  3. Quivers showing the B_x and B_y field
  • B (B_field) – a B_field or B_field_component object
  • field_lines (bool) – If True, shows field lines. Default: True
  • quiver (bool) – If True, shows quivers. Default True
  • contour (bool) – If True, shows contours. Default: True
  • skipx/skipy (int) – Tweaks the display of quivers (Default: skipx=5, skipy=5)
galmag.analysis.visualization.plot_x_z_uniform(B, skipx=1, skipz=5, iy=0, quiver=True, contour=True, quiver_color='0.25', cmap='viridis', vmin=None, vmax=None, no_colorbar=False, **kwargs)[source]

Plots a x-z slice of the field. Assumes B is created using a cartesian grid - for a more sophisticated/flexible plotting script which does not rely on the grid structure check the plot_slice.

The plot consists of:
  1. a coloured contourplot of B_phi
  2. quivers showing the x-z projection of the field
  • B (B_field) – a B_field or B_field_component object
  • quiver (bool) – If True, shows quivers. Default True
  • contour (bool) – If True, shows contours. Default: True
  • skipx/skipz (int) – Tweaks the display of quivers (Default: skipz=5, skipx=1)
galmag.analysis.visualization.plot_y_z_uniform(B, skipy=5, skipz=5, ix=0, quiver=True, contour=True, quiver_color='0.25', cmap='viridis', vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plots a y-z slice of the field. Assumes B is created using a cartesian grid - for a more sophisticated/flexible plotting script which does not rely on the grid structure check the plot_slice.

The plot consists of:
  1. a coloured contourplot of B_phi
  2. Quivers showing the y-z projection of the field
  • B (B_field) – a B_field or B_field_component object
  • quiver (bool) – If True, shows quivers. Default True
  • contour (bool) – If True, shows contours. Default: True
  • skipy/skipz (int) – Tweaks the display of quivers (Default: skipz=5, skipy=5)

Adjusts matplotlib default settings

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