Source code for galmag.analysis.visualization

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
""" Contains functions to facilitate simple ploting tasks """

[docs]def std_setup(): """ Adjusts matplotlib default settings""" from cycler import cycler plt.rc('image', cmap='viridis') plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=14) plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=14) plt.rc('axes', labelsize=15, titlesize=15) plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color',['#1f78b4','#a6cee3','#33a02c','#b2df8a', '#e31a1c','#fb9a99','#ff7f00','#fdbf6f', '#6a3d9a','#cab2d6']) plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 1.65
[docs]def plot_r_z_uniform(B,skipr=3,skipz=5, quiver=True, contour=True, quiver_color = '0.25', cmap='viridis', vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs): """ Plots a r-z slice of the field. Assumes B is created using a cylindrical grid - for a more sophisticated/flexible plotting script which does not rely on the grid structure check the plot_slice. The plot consists of: 1) a coloured contourplot of B_\phi 2) quivers showing the x-z projection of the field Parameters ---------- B : B_field a B_field or B_field_component object quiver : bool If True, shows quivers. Default True contour : bool If True, shows contours. Default: True skipx/skipz : int Tweaks the display of quivers (Default: skipz=5, skipr=3) """ # Requires a cylindrical grid assert B.grid.grid_type == 'cylindrical' # Makes a color contour plot if contour: CP = plt.contourf(B.grid.r_cylindrical[:,0,:], B.grid.z[:,0,:], -B.phi[:,0,:], alpha=0.75, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap) CB = plt.colorbar(CP, label=r'$B_\phi\,[\mu{{\rm G}}]$',) plt.setp(CP.collections , linewidth=2) if quiver: plt.quiver(B.grid.r_cylindrical[::skipr,0,::skipz], B.grid.z[::skipr,0,::skipz], B.r_cylindrical[::skipr,0,::skipz],B.z[::skipr,0,::skipz], color=quiver_color, alpha=0.75, **kwargs) plt.ylim([B.grid.z[:,0,:].min(), B.grid.z[:,0,:].max()]) plt.xlim([B.grid.r_cylindrical[:,0,:].min(), B.grid.r_cylindrical[:,0,:].max()]) plt.xlabel(r'$R\,[{{\rm kpc}}]$') plt.ylabel(r'$z\,[{{\rm kpc}}]$')
[docs]def plot_x_z_uniform(B,skipx=1,skipz=5,iy=0, quiver=True, contour=True, quiver_color='0.25', cmap='viridis', vmin=None, vmax=None, no_colorbar=False, **kwargs): """ Plots a x-z slice of the field. Assumes B is created using a cartesian grid - for a more sophisticated/flexible plotting script which does not rely on the grid structure check the plot_slice. The plot consists of: 1) a coloured contourplot of B_\phi 2) quivers showing the x-z projection of the field Parameters ---------- B : B_field a B_field or B_field_component object quiver : bool If True, shows quivers. Default True contour : bool If True, shows contours. Default: True skipx/skipz : int Tweaks the display of quivers (Default: skipz=5, skipx=1) """ # Requires a Cartesian grid assert B.grid.grid_type == 'cartesian' # Makes a color contour plot if contour: CP = plt.contourf(B.grid.x[:,iy,:], B.grid.z[:,iy,:], B.phi[:,iy,:], alpha=0.75, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) if not no_colorbar: CB = plt.colorbar(CP, label=r'$B_\phi\,[\mu{{\rm G}}]$',) plt.setp(CP.collections , linewidth=2) if quiver: plt.quiver(B.grid.x[::skipx,iy,::skipz], B.grid.z[::skipx,iy,::skipz], B.x[::skipx,iy,::skipz],B.z[::skipx,iy,::skipz], color=quiver_color, alpha=0.75,**kwargs) plt.ylim([B.grid.z[:,iy,:].min(), B.grid.z[:,iy,:].max()]) plt.xlim([B.grid.x[:,iy,:].min(), B.grid.x[:,iy,:].max()]) plt.xlabel(r'$x\,[{{\rm kpc}}]$') plt.ylabel(r'$z\,[{{\rm kpc}}]$')
[docs]def plot_y_z_uniform(B, skipy=5, skipz=5, ix=0, quiver=True, contour=True, quiver_color='0.25', cmap='viridis', vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs): """ Plots a y-z slice of the field. Assumes B is created using a cartesian grid - for a more sophisticated/flexible plotting script which does not rely on the grid structure check the plot_slice. The plot consists of: 1) a coloured contourplot of B_\phi 2) Quivers showing the y-z projection of the field Parameters ---------- B : B_field a B_field or B_field_component object quiver : bool If True, shows quivers. Default True contour : bool If True, shows contours. Default: True skipy/skipz : int Tweaks the display of quivers (Default: skipz=5, skipy=5) """ # Requires a Cartesian grid assert B.grid.grid_type == 'cartesian' # Makes a color contour plot CP = plt.contourf(B.grid.y[ix,:,:], B.grid.z[ix,:,:], B.phi[ix,:,:], alpha=0.75, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) CB = plt.colorbar(CP, label=r'$B_\phi\,[\mu{{\rm G}}]$',) plt.setp(CP.collections , linewidth=2) if quiver: plt.quiver(B.grid.y[ix,::skipy,::skipz], B.grid.z[ix,::skipy,::skipz], B.y[ix,::skipy,::skipz],B.z[ix,::skipy,::skipz], color=quiver_color, alpha=0.75,**kwargs) plt.ylim([B.grid.z[ix,:,:].min(), B.grid.z[ix,:,:].max()]) plt.xlim([B.grid.y[ix,:,:].min(), B.grid.y[ix,:,:].max()]) plt.xlabel(r'$y\,[{{\rm kpc}}]$') plt.ylabel(r'$z\,[{{\rm kpc}}]$')
[docs]def plot_x_y_uniform(B, skipx=5, skipy=5, iz=0, field_lines=True, quiver=True, contour=True,quiver_color='0.25',cmap='viridis',**kwargs): """ Plots a x-y slice of the field. Assumes B is created using a cartesian grid - for a more sophisticated/flexible plotting script which does not rely on the grid structure check the plot_slice. The plot consists of: 1) a coloured contourplot of |B|^2 2) Field lines of the B_x and B_y field 3) Quivers showing the B_x and B_y field Parameters ---------- B : B_field a B_field or B_field_component object field_lines : bool If True, shows field lines. Default: True quiver : bool If True, shows quivers. Default True contour : bool If True, shows contours. Default: True skipx/skipy : int Tweaks the display of quivers (Default: skipx=5, skipy=5) """ # Requires a Cartesian grid assert B.grid.grid_type == 'cartesian' if contour: CP = plt.contourf(B.grid.x[:,:,iz], B.grid.y[:,:,iz], np.sqrt(B.x[:,:,iz]**2+B.y[:,:,iz]**2+B.z[:,:,iz]**2), alpha=0.75, cmap=cmap) CB = plt.colorbar(CP, label=r'$B\,[\mu{{\rm G}}]$',) plt.setp(CP.collections , linewidth=2) if field_lines: plt.streamplot(np.array(B.grid.x[:,0,iz]), np.array(B.grid.y[0,:,iz]), -np.array(B.y[:,:,iz]), -np.array(B.x[:,:,iz]),color='r') if quiver: plt.quiver(B.grid.x[::skipx,::skipy,iz], B.grid.y[::skipx,::skipy,iz], B.x[::skipx,::skipy,iz],B.y[::skipx,::skipy,iz], color=quiver_color,**kwargs) plt.ylim([B.grid.y[:,:,iz].min(),B.grid.y[:,:,iz].max()]) plt.xlim([B.grid.x[:,:,iz].min(),B.grid.x[:,:,iz].max()]) plt.xlabel(r'$x\,[{{\rm kpc}}]$') plt.ylabel(r'$y\,[{{\rm kpc}}]$') return
[docs]def plot_slice(): """ Plots slice of arbitrary orientation Note ---- Not implemented yet """ raise NotImplemented